Thursday, July 13, 2006

Living in the '80's- meeting Jody Watley after her July 12, 2006 concert at Chene Park.
John is having fun with his internet DJing and Kelli is having fun with the perks :-).

Monday, June 26, 2006

Jalen at his Confirmation- we are so proud of you, Jay!! God bless you as continue to grow in your faith.

The sand dunes are brutal to wimps like me... time to start training so I can climb them without gasping for breath half-way to the top. :-)

Hanging out at our favorite lighthouse near the Silver Lake sand dunes.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Mommy and her two little champs! It was a very long and exciting day!

Morgan, age 6, won first place in all three of her individual events. She even qualified for Nationals in Colorado! (Sorry, terrible picture- she's moving too fast!)

Monday, May 30, 2005

Ready for a Revolution!
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05/28/05- The 80's Party with a bunch of WLHS grads
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Padme and Princess Leia (look at those Buns!)
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Star Wars... opening night!
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Star Wars: The Circle is now complete.....

Revenge of the Sith came out on May 19th and ended for me a journey that began 28 years ago... A lot of emotions came with this end of an era....this email that i wrote 2 Kelli and the kids the morning after sums it all up.....

I just wanted 2 thank u 4 riding on this Star Wars journey with me...I felt many things yesterday as we got ready and enjoyed "Revenge of the Sith".....

I thought of Kelli and how when she met me and how thanks 2 her brother Bobby didn't "Hate" Star Wars and over the years put up with and learned 2 love these movies as much as i do. How u put up and embraced the idea of Luke as a sons name and Amidala as a daughter's name. how she bought happy meals, went 2 Midnight Toy Sales and helped make Star Wars a part of our lives..Without U, it wouldn't have been sooooo special 2 all of us...cause if Momma aint happy, aint nobody happy...Thanx 4 loving Star Wars ... U are truely my Queen..

I thought of Jalen, 6 months old watching the original trilogy in front of the TV..the picture of Jar-Jar and Darth Maul u made me..the "Jedi Training" at MGM .the many talks, days playing with figures and enjoying these movies with u...we have enjoyed this journey 2gether .U were my 1st apprentice...

I thought of Luke, the first Star Wars name I got 2 use, the singing "Darth Vaders Theme" 2 u, 2 get u 2 stop crying, the fact that Darth Vader has ALWAYS been ur favorite and yes the many light saber battles, talks and days playing with legos and figures. I have always feared u turning 2 the dark side, but u 2 have been a great apprentice....

and then there is my wonderful it is 2 have u named that....I remember buying EVERYTHING with Amidala on it after Episode I came out....I remember how cute u were as Padme when we went 2 Episode II and putting up Amidala posters in ur room and now i look forward 2 training u in the ways of the force

I thought about my little darkside, I will be able 2 tell u someday when ur older how u wanted a Star Wars Birthday when u were u loved...Darth Maul, Darth Vader and Qui Gon and how u r fitting into the family very nicely..."I will watch ur career with great interest"..the Darkside is strong with u...beware

all and all, I can't thank u enough .....there r tears in my eyes as i write this....tears of joy because Star Wars would NEVER mean as much 2 me if it wasn't 4 all of u.....

I LOVE U all Sooooooo much....thanks.....

John (Dad)

"May the Force be with you"

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Eric... world's best cousin

Just wanting to one-up my cousin by giving him space here in the Sparrow's Nest. Eric and I had lots of fun adventures together when we were younger. From helping to secretly replace a broken lock to teasing each other mercilessly to the present day, I have always really enjoyed his company. Living with him and his family for a month when I was 16 really cemented my affection for him and I wish him and his bride-to-be all the best when they are married in June. Marital advice for Eric... don't ever smile, I hear it causes babies!

Monday, January 31, 2005

"Your Dad has a Baldspot!!!"

On Saturday, Luke and I were on the way to a cub scout event. We had about a twenty minute drive and we chatted about a variety of subjects. This is one of the conversations..

Luke: Dad, remember when we were calling that part of your head with no hair a "bald spot"?

Dad: yes

Luke: that was funny!

Dad: you think so, eh? well, that's what it is... a bald spot

Luke: no it isn't

Dad: yes, it is.. when you lose your hair on the top of your head like me, it's a bald spot

Luke: no it isn't, cause there is hair there

Dad: yes, but it's thinning and that's what people call it, "a bald spot"

Luke: no it isn't

Dad: Luke, your Dad has a bald spot

Luke: no you don't

Dad: yes I do

Luke: but there is hair there

Dad: next subject

Friday, January 28, 2005


In a effort to get away from electronic entertainment (TV, video games, etc ) we thought it would be fun to play a good old fashioned game of Charades. We had a really great time. It was Kelli and Jalen vs. John, Luke and Morgan with Kell and Jay teaching us a lesson. Subjects? Movies and Characters ( Spiderman, Daredevil, Bug's Life, Beauty and the Beast, Greedo, Like Mike and the Incredibles) Take the time to turn off your TV and enjoy your family!!
God Bless You

The Birth of a Blog!!!

When you have 4 kids, 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 snake, and 4 gerbils a lot of funny stuff happens. Sometimes too many funny things to remember. So, hopefully as this blog grows you will enjoy it as much as we will enjoy making it...

Jalen takes on snowboarding... who needs a coat????
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Our very own Dixie Chicks!
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