Monday, January 31, 2005

"Your Dad has a Baldspot!!!"

On Saturday, Luke and I were on the way to a cub scout event. We had about a twenty minute drive and we chatted about a variety of subjects. This is one of the conversations..

Luke: Dad, remember when we were calling that part of your head with no hair a "bald spot"?

Dad: yes

Luke: that was funny!

Dad: you think so, eh? well, that's what it is... a bald spot

Luke: no it isn't

Dad: yes, it is.. when you lose your hair on the top of your head like me, it's a bald spot

Luke: no it isn't, cause there is hair there

Dad: yes, but it's thinning and that's what people call it, "a bald spot"

Luke: no it isn't

Dad: Luke, your Dad has a bald spot

Luke: no you don't

Dad: yes I do

Luke: but there is hair there

Dad: next subject

Friday, January 28, 2005


In a effort to get away from electronic entertainment (TV, video games, etc ) we thought it would be fun to play a good old fashioned game of Charades. We had a really great time. It was Kelli and Jalen vs. John, Luke and Morgan with Kell and Jay teaching us a lesson. Subjects? Movies and Characters ( Spiderman, Daredevil, Bug's Life, Beauty and the Beast, Greedo, Like Mike and the Incredibles) Take the time to turn off your TV and enjoy your family!!
God Bless You

The Birth of a Blog!!!

When you have 4 kids, 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 snake, and 4 gerbils a lot of funny stuff happens. Sometimes too many funny things to remember. So, hopefully as this blog grows you will enjoy it as much as we will enjoy making it...

Jalen takes on snowboarding... who needs a coat????
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Our very own Dixie Chicks!
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